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Katesgrove Primary School

Aspire to be the best we can!

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Katesgrove Primary School Aspire to be the best we can!

Uniform Information

Katesgrove School Uniform


We aim to make our school uniform as affordable as possible. The school badge is optional and uniform can be purchased in school colours from many suppliers and local supermarkets.


Katesgrove School Uniform (with the optional school badge) is available to purchase from ‘Stevensons,’ the School Uniform Shop in the town centre  


The nearest shop is in Market Place, Reading and they also have a convenient online shopping facility. The online uniform shop is simple to use and can be found at 

School Uniform



Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers


Royal blue check dresses for the summer months


Plain blouse/polo shirt

Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan


Sensible black school shoes or trainers (No high heels, furry ‘Ugg’ style boots or multi-coloured trainers/laces)




Grey or black trousers or shorts


Plain shirt/polo shirt


Royal blue school sweatshirt


Sensible black school shoes or trainers (No multi-coloured trainers/laces)