Policies & Plans
Welcome to our Policies Page
Published below are the main polices relating to Katesgrove Primary School.
Hard copies of all the school policies are available on request and at no cost from the school office
- Accessibility Plan
- Admissions Policies
- Anti-Bullying
- Attendance Policy
- Calculation Policy
- Charging & Remissions
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Procedure
- Data Protection
- Early Career Teachers (ECT)
- Equality Information and Objectives
- Exclusion Policy
- Feedback
- First Aid
- Freedom of Information Act
- GB Statement of Behavioural Principles
- Governor Allowances
- Health & Safety
- Home School Agreement
- Inclusion Policy (SEND)
- Intimate Care
- Lettings
- Low Level Concerns
- Mobile Phones
- Nursery Admissions
- Online Safety
- Positive Behaviour
- Positive Handling
- Preventing Radicalisation
- PSHE Policy including RSE
- Pupil Attendance
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
- School Uniform
- Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions/Medicines in Schools Policy
- Vulnerable Pupils
- Whistle Blowing