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Katesgrove Primary School

Aspire to be the best we can!

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Katesgrove Primary School Aspire to be the best we can!


As professionals working with children we need to be aware of the risks some children meet in their everyday lives. The key areas of risk are: physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and sexual abuse. We must understand our important role and our responsibility to recognise children at risk


Our aim is to ensure a safe, secure environment for all children in our care. Children on occasions can disclose information about events in their lives to an adult in school. If the nature of the disclosure warrants it, the designated safeguarding officer has the legal obligation to inform the Child Protection team within Social Services of the child’s disclosure.


The Designated Safeguarding Leads are Bob Burrowes, Lisa Telling and Sue N'jai. Our Designated Safeguarding Officers are Sarah Rushton, Michaela Clarke and Andrea O'Niel. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Chris Robinson. 


Our aims are to: 


  • Create an atmosphere in school where children feel secure, supported, are listened to and feel valued.
  • Raise awareness of both teaching and support staff of the need to safeguard children and the important safeguarding responsibilities the school has.
  • Understand our responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse. Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and provide staff training.
  • Have a systematic means of recording and monitoring children who are thought to be at risk.
  • Emphasise the need for good levels of communication between all members of staff and a relationship of trust in each other in dealing with confidential information.
  • Follow the agreed in-school procedure for all members of staff in the school community in cases of suspected abuse.
  • Promote understanding and build relationships with parents and other agencies in order to work together more effectively.