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Katesgrove Primary School

Aspire to be the best we can!

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Katesgrove Primary School Aspire to be the best we can!


Curriculum Statement for Katesgrove Primary School


Intent Drivers – Our Core Values








Katesgrove Primary Curriculum


At Katesgrove, our aim is to prepare our children for lifelong learning and help them to Aspire to be the Best.  We ensure that our children receive a vibrant and rich curriculum that is ambitious and tailored to meet the needs of all learners.  Through our curriculum, we develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life.  We value each child’s individuality and creativity, and equip them with the skills, self-discipline and confidence to succeed. Where there are barriers, we pride ourselves on embracing different approaches and seizing new opportunities to ensure high-quality learning. Our curriculum delivers not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied enrichment opportunities that we can provide.


Katesgrove Primary Curriculum


The Curriculum

The content of our curriculum is detailed, specific and ambitious. It has been carefully and intentionally sequenced to cumulatively build pupils’ knowledge and skills over time. It meets the needs of the National Curriculum, incorporates current best practice and supports our values and beliefs about high quality learning.

Principles of Instruction

Teaching and learning is delivered by applying the Principles of Instruction approach across all areas of the curriculum. All children are exposed to high quality questioning, regular retrieval practise, expert modelling, appropriate scaffolding and quality feedback in order to know more, remember more and be able to do more with it.


Teaching children to communicate effectively using spoken language is an essential part of our curriculum. Children are equipped with the skills and opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions, ask for help, interact effectively and feel listened to and valued. We strive to develop Oracy skills through the taught curriculum, the hidden curriculum, playtimes and extra-curricular activities.

Enhanced Curriculum

Carefully planned visits, activities, community links, residentials and visitors in school enhance the learning of our children and develop their understanding of how they can contribute to the community and to society.

Growth Mindset

Children are encouraged to reflect upon their learning and take responsibility for their achievement. They are encouraged to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others.


Katesgrove Primary Curriculum


Children leave Katesgrove Primary School as well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in the future. They are happy, caring and confident individuals who know how to keep safe and who do well across all subjects.  They have developed a love of reading, writing and maths and they all have high aspirations for the future. 

Impact is monitored through triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, data outcomes, planning, books, learning walks and discussions with staff, pupils and parents.